Sunday, February 22, 2009

A Time to Pray

As i speak my friends mom is dieing in a hospital bed......
i want to consoul her i want to tell her its ok, but i know deep down that this is almost a lie....
i want to say that its going to be ok, i want to tell her that everything is going to be alright in the end. but somehow i feel that its not......
i feel the pain shes feeling. i know what she is going through. yet i feel so distant. so helpless.
for each passing moment her life is slipping. the doctors have told her that this could be the end. heart attack on top of overdoseing of morophine..... there is a slim chance of survival......
how do you tell a 15 year old girl that your parent who has cared and loved you since birth?
i know that if i was in their place i would never forgive myself.....i would probably die inside if i couldnt do anything and everything in my power to save her mother.....
i bet that that doctor couldnt care less about her as a person... to them they are just another paycheck.....i pity their idiocy i pity them completely for their one track minds.....

Stay Smiling.

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